ERCP Trainer (#2101)

ERCP Trainer (#2101)

Moving beyond the simpler platform of our Biliary Endoscopy Trainer (#2061), the ERCP Trainer places the biliary anatomy into a broader anatomical context. The trainer can be positioned to simulate a patient in either a lateral or prone position. Access is gained through a long tube that simulates passage of a scope through the esophagus and stomach and into the duodenum.

Two anatomical covers are provided, one clear for direct visualization and one opaque for endoscopic viewing. Anatomy of the papilla, common bile duct, cystic duct, hepatic ducts and pancreatic duct are represented. The trainer has a port for fluid injection to enhance the realism of the training experience. Clamps and straps are provided for trainer stability. A carrying case is provided to house and protect the trainer elements.

Replaceable elements include:

  • pre- and post-sphincterotomy inserts,
  • lumen strictures for stenting
  • anomalous tissue sites for biopsy.

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