Robotic System Skills Kit (#4074)

Robotic System Skills Kit (#4074)

Training elements for initiating a course of robotic surgery education. The Robotic Systems Skills Kit is designed as a “starter kit ” for robotic surgery training and is designed to be used with the Robotic Trainer (#4014). The Systems Skills Kit includes the necessary training elements for skills development in fundamental tasks. Each of these items provides a building block to robotic surgery proficiency.


  • Dissection Pod (#4072)
  • Suture Skills Pod (#4073)
  • Transection Skills Model (#4075)
  • Manipulation Skills Set (#4068)

The Dissection Pod challenges the user to move through the superficial layer in order to gain exposure to deep vessels using sharp or blunt dissection techniques. Vessels may be sutured for anastomosis training if desired.

Suture Skills Pod with its new, more life-like skin, is designed for repair of linear “I ” and curved “S ” defects. Raised needle targets on the skin’s surface along each incision assure well-spaced placement of sutures.

Transection Skills Model has tissue-like material which is easy on instruments, for training proficiency in cutting within designated pathways.

A camera skills-building set, Manipulation Skills Set is comprised of three columns (1 “, 2.5 ” and 5 ” high) with a series of cones and hooks. The Set comes with small rubber rings to train basic grasping and positioning tasks and enhance robotic dexterity.

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